BLACK LIVES MATTER, ActBlue Network: $525 2020-2021
Chickadee Spice Co - non-profit providing free spices and condiments to food-insecure communities in Boston, MA: $600 2020-2021
G.W. Adams Educational Center, Trinway, Ohio: $400 (full donation, not a booking or rental fee) 2018
Ten Broeck Mansion, Albany County Historical Association, Albany, NY: $3400 2017-2024
Albany Bail & Safety Fund for Black Lives - “This fund is designed to function as mutual aid and is managed by Albany racial justice activists Amy Jones and Clyanna Lightbourn of Voix Noire.": $40 2020
My Sistah's House - fosters sustainability and security for the most vulnerable of the transgender, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (TLGBQ) communities in Memphis Tennessee: $20 2020
518 Free Store, Albany, NY: approximately $550 in food, products, supplies, gifts and monetary donations. 2020-2023​
Nova Ukraine: $30 2021
World Central Kitchen: $194.75 2022
Ryan is a continuous monthly contributor to Sandy Hook Promise.
The Trevor Project - $200.00
First donation in honor of Dylan Mulvaney's 365th Day of Girlhood & an EPIC show. 3/13/23
Second donation made in honor of Trans Visibility Day, 3/31/23
Third donation made in honor of a trash take of a tweet in the paranormal community and as we watch various states vote hate into law. Big mad donation.​ 4/4/23
Fourth donation for a shit hot take from Whitley Streiber. Take Communion off your bookshelf. 6/7/23
UNRWA, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: $500 10/16/2023